(774) 289-9680
Commissions by 11Eleven-Designs
Bring your idea to life!
Have an idea that you want brought to life? Want to have a unique and special one of a kind piece created for a loved one? Not quite sure what you want as a show stopper in your home, but came across some inspiration on the 11-Eleven Designs website?
I am ready to partner with you, listen to your wants and needs, spend the time conceptualizing, and create that piece of art that can be passed on to generations that follow you.
Always a budget friendly creator, I can take your vision, and use whatever resources are necessary to balance time and money.
Commissions do take longer to plan and realize, and I will be transparent with you throughout the entire journey.
Ready to start this journey? Click the "Get in Touch" tab below. You can also find my contact info in the "Contact" tab on the website, and additionally are at the top of the "Home" page.
And, as always, "Keep.Creating.Stuff!"
Commission Pricing Varies Based on Project Scope
Budget Friendly
Materials, Shipping & Handling, Taxes